Besut Terengganu Intern | Replacing physical classes with online learning is not as easy as it sounds or appears. In our daily news we read of incidents where more than one child shares the only smart phone in the family to connect to online classes while yet in some remote locations, parents have resorted to setting up classes outside the home, under the tree or even on the tree!

    Besut Terengganu Intern | Replacing physical classes with online learning is not as easy as it sounds or appears. In our daily news we read of incidents where more than one child shares the only smart phone in the family to connect to online classes while yet in some remote locations, parents have resorted to setting up classes outside the home, under the tree or even on the tree!

    05/06/2024 16:17:07(Terengganu Intern)

    Terengganu Intern | Replacing physical classes with online learning is not as easy as it sounds or appears. In our daily news we read of incidents where more than one child shares the only smart phone in the family to connect to online classes while yet in some remote locations, parents have resorted to setting up classes outside the home, under the tree or even on the tree! Beseri kerja sambilan For a long time it looked like the hosts were headed for another defeat until McBurnie's late strike.

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